1859 On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin
1863 Creation of the International Committee of the Red Cross
1865 End of the american civil war
1867 Karl Marx publishes Das Kapital
1872 Claude Monet, impressionism is born
1879 Thomas Edison invents the first commercial light bulb
1884 Scramble for Africa
1897 The construction of the Eiffel Tower begins
1900 Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis (The Interpretation of Dreams)
1900 The parisian metro is inaugurated. Hector Guimard designs the entrance
1901 The first set of Nobel Prizes are awarded
1903 Taking flight with the Wright brothers
1905 Albert Einstein develops his theory of special relativity
1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire
1907 Les demoiselles d´avignon : Picasso's first Cubism painting
1908 The modern car is born : the Ford T
1911 Roald Amundsen reach the South Pole
1912 The Wreck of RMS Titanic
1913 Igor Stravisnsky's Rite of Spring causes a scandal
1914 The Opening of the Panama Canal
1916 The Battle of Verdun during World War I.
1917 The October Revolution, Lenin, the communism
1917 Jazz in New Orleans
1919 the Treaty of Versailles ends the war
1920 Al Capone, prohibition and organized crime
1921 Un perfume for the century : Chanel N° 5
1922 Benito Mussolini walks to Rome
1922 Russia becomes USSR
1922 Discover of Tutankhamen's tomb
1927 Charles Lindbergh flies across the Atlantic
1928 Walt Disney draws Mickey
1929 Black Thursday on Wall Street
1930 Gandhi begins Salt March
1930 Discover of Pluto
1931 The Empire State Building is opened
1931 Colonial Exhibition
1933 Adolf Hitler begins chancellor of Germany
1937 The bombardment of Guernica by german forces kills 1800 people
1938 Mars attacks ! announces Orson Wells
1939 invasion of Poland by the German army
1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
1942 Planning the final solution, the concentration camps
1944 Allied Expeditionary Force lands in Normandy
1945 Hiroshima atomic mushroom cloud
1946 U.N.O. is created
1947 the transistor contributes to the miniaturization
1948 Foundation of the State of Israel
1949 Mao leads the People's Republic of China
1950 The Beginning of the Korean War
1953 Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay conquer mount Everest
1953 Jim Watson et Francis Crick solves the puzzle of the structure of DNA
1953 For 4 dollars Elvis Presley makes his first record
1955 the first Mac Donald
1957 Launch of the first artificial satellite : Spoutnik
1959 Frank Lloyd Wright designs the Guggenheim Museum
1959 The Dalai Lama leaves Tibet
1961 The soviet Gagarine is the first man in space
1961 Fidel Castro faces US : the Bay of Pigs
1961 Berlin Wall
1962 Four English guys to form a band called Beatles
1963 2001: A Space Odyssey directed by Stanley Kubrick
1965 Vietnam War begins...
1969 Jimmy Hendrix's triumph at Woodstock
1969 An american Neil Armstrong is the first man on the moon
1972 Bloody sunday in Northern Ireland. The begining of the civil war
1973 Kippour war and the first oil crisis
1976 Microsoft and Apple corporations are founded
1977 Charlie Chaplin's death
1978 the oil spill of the tanker Amoco Cadiz
1978 First test tube baby
1978 John Paul II the polish pope
1979 Ayatollah Khomeiny formes the Islamic Republic of Iran
1981 The Columbia shuttle
1983 Discover of AIDS virus
1985 Mikhaïl Gorbatchev General Secretary of the Communist Party in USSR. Glasnost and Perestroika
1986 Nuclear disaster in Chernobyl, USSR
1987 In Gaza PLO launched the first Intifada
1989 The fall of the Berlin wall
1989 The World Wide Web is born
1989 Students protest on Tien An men Square
1990 Nelson Mandela's freedom and relaxation of apartheid laws.
1990 Lech Walesa wins presidental election in Poland
1991 Desert storm in Irak
1992 Bombardment of Sarajevo
1994 800 000 people murdered in the rwanda genocide
1997 Live from mars with Pathfinder robot
1998 The first clone is a sheep : Dolly
1999 6 billion people share the blue planet
2001 September 11 attacks
2002 Euro European Currency
2003 Darfur genocide
2005 Kyoto protocol enters into force
2007 Apple iPhone multimedia smartphone
2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing
2008 World financial crisis
2009 Barack Obama 44th President of the United States
Ce site a été créé par Jean-Jacques Dussol Powered by 2JD
«Never leave well enough alone» Raymond Loewy